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Love my little square. Is way more useful than I imagined.
MMS-1 Mini Miter Square
I’m absolutely thrilled with this new addition to the woodshop. High-quality tools. Highly recommended.
Small but useful little square. Superb packaging.
I needed a small square for my scroll saw, and this fits the bill
I used it 5 minutes ago to square the new blades on my old table saw and miter saw. It worked very well and gives me confidence to start cutting. Small but mighty!
Really nice craftsmanship, high quality.
Small and awesome for little projects
If you can appreciate the art in a tool, then these tools are for you. The design and execution of creating these tools is without parallel. The price made me hesitate but once you hold these tools in your hand you realize their value. They are as functional as they are beautiful. You will not be disappointed with these purchases.
Nice little square to have on hand for small, delicate work
Cheese!🧀 @bridge_city_tool_works
The tiny square 👌
Fine tune the dados on the swing arm lamp wall brackets. Using the #lienielsentoolworks small router plane to make sure the dado bottoms at perfectly flat and small brackets with holes sit square and true to each other before glue up. Got to try my new tiny @bridge_city_tool_works square. Perfect size for this small work.
When a Square is Square. My old Bridge City Tool Works Try Squares. TS-1, TS-2 Used but not abused. Still way accurate and beautiful.
Time for a new spline jig. Those mini miter squares are useful!
#tooltuesday goes out to this little mini miter square from @bridge_city_tool_works! I find myself reaching for this thing anytime I adjust my table saw, I’m also excited that the new Universal Gauge just shipped from them!
It looks bigger than what actually is.