An awl for every situation | This exquisite marking tool set comprises of a small, large and bent tip. Each awl features a point made of hardened Titanium topped with a CNC-turned, anodised aluminium grip, combining beauty with ease of use. .

Scratch awls are traditional tools used to scribe a line in timber, generally marking with the grain and occasionally across the grain. Leaving a finer line than a pencil, a scratch awl is accurate and easy to control. Each Bridge City awl features a point made of hardened Titanium topped with a CNC-turned, anodised aluminium grip, combining beauty with ease of use.

Surprise en rentrant du taf...colis de chez @bordet1965 j’ai commandé un kit taraud/filière de 19mm pour continuer le projet en je me suis fait un petit plaisir avec un kit de pointes à tracer de chez @bridge_city_tool_works ... comment dire...elles sont tous simplement magnifique...petit test oblige...

I saw someone post the Classic Bridge City scratch awls... so here’s my picture of the Modern Bridge City scratch awls

Might be my favorite tool drawer in the whole shop. My personal collection of @bridge_city_tool_works tools. Fantastic quality but man do they look goooood!!