AngleMaster Calculator

When you use the AngleMaster Pro, the measurements are
done with a 6" caliper set on millimeters. These readings will
equate to different angle measurements. This webpage will
help you calculate the caliper readings/settings to use for
different angles.

1. Angle Finder

Caliper Reading [mm]
Obtuse Angle°
Elevation Angle A
Tilt Angle°
Obtuse Miter Angle B°
Angle B Caliper Setting [mm]
Angle A Grade/Slope%
Angle A Rise
Angle A Run

2. Obtuse Protractor (90-180°)

Obtuse Angle°
Caliper Setting [mm]            

3. Tilt Angle Protractor:
Angular Deviation from Vertical (0-90°)

Tilt Angle°
Caliper Setting [mm]            

4. Elevation Angle Protractor:
Angular Deviation from Horizontal (0-90°)

Elevation Angle°
Caliper Setting [mm]            

5. Ratio to Degrees Protractor

Tilt Angle°
Caliper Setting [mm]            

6. Rise/Run to Degrees

Elevation Angle°
Caliper Setting [mm]            

7. Segmented Ring Protractor
(Miter Angles for Segmented Circles)

Number of Segments
Segment Obtuse Angle A°
Caliper Setting Angle A [mm]
Segment Acute Degrees

8. 90 Degree Corner: Miter Angles for Dissimilar Stock Width

Width of Wide Leg [mm]
Width of Narrow Leg [mm]
Wide Leg Obtuse Angle A°
Wide Leg Acute Angle°
Narrow Leg Obtuse Angle B°
Narrow Leg Acute Angle°
Caliper Setting Angle A [mm]
Caliper Setting Angle B [mm]

9. Compound Miter Angles for 360° Bowl Forms

Number of Sides
Sides: Angle of Inclination°
Miter Gage Acute Angle°
Miter Gage Obtuse Angle A   
Caliper Setting Angle A
Blade Tilt Angle°
Blade Tilt Obtuse Angle B
Caliper Setting Angle B

10. Compound Miter Angles for Any Corner Angle

Corner Angle
Sides: Angle of Inclination°
Miter Gage Acute Angle°
Miter Gage Obtuse Angle A   
Caliper Setting Angle A
Blade Tilt Angle°
Blade Tilt Obtuse Angle B
Caliper Setting Angle B

11. Right Triangle Calculator

Side 1
Side 2

12. Circumference Calculator


Elevation Angle (Angle of Inclination)
An elevation angle is between 0 and 90 degrees. It is the angle between a flat reference surface (such as a table) and the angle you're measuring. The Elevation and Obtuse angles will always add up to 180 degrees.
Obtuse Angle
An obtuse angle is between 90 and 180 degrees. This is the space that the Anglefinder tool takes up. The Elevation and Obtuse angles will always add up to 180 degrees.
Tilt Angle
A tilt angle is between 0 and 90 degrees. It is the angle between vertical and the angle you're measuring. The best example of this is the Jointmaker Pro and most tablesaws - 0 degrees is a perfectly vertical blade. The Tilt and Elevation angles will always add to 90 degrees.