"Some images on this page are computer-generated representations of the product and may differ from the actual product. Colors, textures, and other details may not be accurately represented in the images. Please refer to the product description and specifications for more information."
Can’t say enough about the quality of every item. Excellent products.
Very nicely made and very accurate gauge for woodworking.
Obviously well made and should have many uses. Looking forward to finding out how to apply its many functions to practical uses in the shop.
Purchased as a set up tool for my table saw/router table. Beautiful as it is accurate.
I bought this, mainly because I was curious about it and wondered if it was all they were saying it was cracked up to be. So far I haven’t been disappointed. I’m still using it to try and learn how it actually works, does far more than I thought it would and I’m not really certain that I will use all of its capabilities but I’m going to try. I’m not a pro when it comes to wood working but I’m eager to learn and do my best. So far, this thing is great and I’m glad I bought one, give it a try, I think you’ll like it.
Nice product, have only used it a few times. So far it spread to be well made and accurate.
Look forward to using these on my project.
I have not used th gauges yet. They are built very well and are easy to use
Arrived well packaged and protected. Nice lined box suitable for gift giving. Markings of protractor are spot-on, used magnifying glass to attempt to find any flaws (could not). Although made in China, it has all the qualities (fit/finish) of my other Bridge City Tools.
There isn’t much that’s more satisfying that getting the perfect setup! This universal gauge is dead nuts! With the angle setting protractor and the height gauge, and now with this guy I can take notes and make the next round is jigs sooo much faster because all I have to do it set it to the same and I know it’ll be perfect! O so satisfying playing with new toys, especially when they make your work more enjoyable! How do you set up your saw? Anyone still trusting those angle finder boxes .. I don’t! I Had a bad experience!!... But now that is in the past@bridge_city_tool_works universal gauge, UG-1 imperial right hand version if your wondering.
What's you last tool purchase?I just got this beautiful UG-1 Universal Gauge from @bridge_city_tool_works as they recently were able to lower their prices. I could not miss this opportunity.It's such nice tool a photographer in me woke up and I took some beauty shoots.
Seemed like a good idea at the time.. rearranging the marking up tools drawer following a little delivery from@bridge_city_tool_works .Thought I might try to use foam for keeping everything in place this time, only problem there is, the only thick foam in the house is the wife’s Yoga mat...Do I feel brave enough..
Unboxing of this beautiful new depth gauge tool from @bridge_city_tool_works. I’m slowing adding more to my collection..clearly not as fast as I’d like!
After making several angled cuts for a board stand, I don't move to my next step until I make sure the saw is ready for its next use.
A pair of#bridgecitytoolworks UG-1 . Probably the most useful machine shop setup tool.
Mail call!!! Thank you @bridge_city_tool_works this universal gauge is beautiful and I can not wait to use it! The carnival scavenger hunt was fun/slightly stressful and I 100% think more companies should do it!
Product photography@bridge_city_tool_works UG-1.